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Water authority by-laws

Each water authority has its own by-laws: rules and regulations about the water and dykes. These define what you may and may not do in and around our water.

'Keur' goals

The rules and regulations of the Reginal Public Water Authority Amstel, Gooi and Vecht are drawn up in the ‘Keur’. Our aim is to achieve the following goals:

  • clean and sufficient water in our ditches, canals and lakes
  • strong dykes to protect us against floods
  • healthy water plants and fish

In short, the by-laws are about the use and maintenance of water, banks and dykes. And the resources the water authority needs to do its work properly.

At present, the rules and regulations which are set out in Keur AGV 2019 () (AGV 2019 by-laws) apply. You can also read through the rules () and regulations yourself.

Who draws up the by-laws?

The General Board of the Regional Public Water Authority Amstel, Gooi and Vecht () draws up the Keur. The General Board has drawn up new by-laws. More information can be found on (). 

How do the by-laws affect me?

Do you plan on working on the water or in the vicinity of a dyke? Or are you organising, for example, a waterside event? Please check whether or not you need a permit.

Check if you need a permit (in Dutch) () 

De schouw (the inspection) 

De schouw ()’ is the annual inspection of ditches, waterways and culverts. Culverts are pipes between ditches, a structure that allows water to flow under a road, railroad, trail, or similar obstruction from one side to the other side. Water has to be able to flow without obstructions and it has to be clean. Otherwise problems will occur.

You can find the rules and regulations for the maintenance of your ditch in the by-laws and 'legger'.